I've still been working on my NaNoWriMo book...I have about 20-25,000 more words to write before I can wrap up the full story but I'm feeling good about it. With work and jewelry, right now has been busy...but between the week of Christmas and New Years and for a few days after New Years, I will have a lot more time. I'm off work from 12/24 at noon until January 5th. I have a few things to finish for jewelry but I will be done this weekend and almost completely caught up.
All in all, I'm feeling pretty excellent right now. It's the holiday season, I'm finishing up a book, I'm caught up on jewelry (and I was even in the newspaper for my jewelry!!) I'm exercising (not as much as I should be, but enough that I don't feel too guilty), I'm thoroughly enjoying all aspects of my life. It's a great feeling.

With the New Year coming up, I've been considering ideas for resolutions. I want to try writing more short stories next year so my plan is to do a short story one month, then try to get it published the next month. So January, March, May, July, September, November would all be writing months and then February, April, June, August, October and December would all be try to get published months. And then generally editing one of my two manuscripts (probably the one I wrote a couple of years ago), while also looking into sending out queries for that book. That's my writing resolution.

My jewelry resolution will be to get the things added to my shop that I want on there, like the white copper charms and other varieties of white copper keychains. I seriously love working in white copper...and the firing of it so far has been 100% successful, which makes it my new favorite metal clay. Plus it looks just like silver after it has been fired, so I can sell it as a much more affordable alternative.
For health/exercise, I want to do more yoga (a resolution that keeps getting renewed), mediate more (another renewal), eat more vegetables and less crap.
For family I want to do bedtime stories every night (we're bad with this right now) and work on more fun learning activities for both girls after school and on weekends. At least something every day.
That's probably good, right? I love resolutions.
Happy Friday :)
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